Thursday, December 5, 2013


If you've got fruit, pectin, sugar, and a stovetop, you can make jelly very easily.

This is a great thing to make with extra fruit in the summer, but also a great treat with frozen fruit in the winter. Simply defrost and follow the directions on the pectin container.

I bought this pectin, which allows you to make 22 half-pint jars total. You can make up to 10 jars per batch:

You can double or triple the recipe, which is nice if you have a lot of fruit. There is also a low-sugar recipe on the pectin. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks interesting.

You can can or freeze the jelly too, but unless I have a bunch of fresh fruit to use up in the summer, I like to just make enough for us to eat right away. I just put the jelly in glass jars.

Here's a batch of blackberry jelly:

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